Happy International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day.png

What does International Women's Day mean to you?

To us at FELIZ Consulting, it means a celebration on how far we have come together. We are strong women, along with men, LGBTQ+ and allies who support gender equality. Today is a reminder that we have made great progress and that we have many reasons to celebrate. We of course still have a lot to do, but we choose to see the glass half full.

To commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD), we would like to share some inspiring, brief notes on Gratitude, Resilience and Entrepreneurship. We would also LOVE to hear from you!


What are you grateful for? In March and in celebration of IWD, we challenge you to write at least three notes to women that have made an impact and inspired you on your journey. How often do we tell others that they matter? That we are grateful for who they are? Or what they taught us?

Countless research studies show us that gratitude practice is good for our wellbeing and overall happiness. With a heart full of gratitude, this month of March, FELIZ Consulting celebrates its 6th anniversary! We are so thankful for you, for our first clients in 2015, for our friends, family and growing community. A heartfelt thanks to all of you!


Research also shows that women have been disproportionately affected in a negative way due to the pandemic, trying to juggle work and personal life - but we are resilient and we are strong. Today, I want to honour my resilient mom in Brazil, who has had many challenges in her life, including losing her husband/my dad when I was 12 years old, raising three kids on her own, struggling with liver disease and cancer, a son with ALS and more. I honour her resilience every single day and look to her for inspiration. Who is a model of resilience to you? Reach out to them. Let them know you admire them.

Please check this link for inspiring quotes from diverse and resilient women across the world.


What inspires you? Can you do a side hustle? Or make a career shift altogether? Entrepreneurship seems to be a key word this year, and I keep hearing it from coaching clients, friends and even acquaintances who may not want to leave their full-time jobs, but want to try something different, to pursue a new interest.

Do you fit the bill? Is your creative and entrepreneurial side calling? Go for it! There is so much you can do. Believe in yourself, get started, prioritise and move forward! Here is a brief 4-minute podcast on how I started FELIZ 6 years ago, which I hope might provide you with a little boost on your own entrepreneurship journey.

What else?

Stay connected. Reach out. Need a coach, development training or facilitation? We would love to hear from you!

Warmest wishes,

Mônica & Team

Monica Zionede Hall